I had the Best Possible Experience in Every Way | Minnesota

We often receive the feedback and testimonials from our cosmetic patients. This is one of them we received yesterday. We are proud that we provided high quality cosmetic care.

“I believe that I had the best possible experience in every way from the initial consultation, the procedure, the preparation, and after visits.

When I came for the consultation it had taken a year to get the courage to do so, and I wasn’t set on any decision, but Dr. Shu was very kind, engaging, and explained simply what he recommended, and why.

Emily was very pleasant, kind, reassuring: the preparation was explained and all the instructions well written.

The procedure itself was very impressive, and interesting. It was then when I realized all that was involved, and all the skill involved to do this!

It was then also I probably realized the discount he so kindly gave me especially when I got off the table and saw all the equipment used on me! Wow! And also how personable both Dr. Shu and Emily were, and the sense of humor! And Emily also writing down the name of the classical music we listened to by Yo-Yo Ma, so I could purchase on i-tunes~ Such warmth and kindness all around, which I’ll always remember and appreciate”. – Dan H

For more testimonials, please click “Testimonials“.

Dr. Shu Performs Liposuction on Himself (DIY Liposuction) | Minnsota

In an ambitious feat, Dr. Shu performed a liposuction procedure on himself on April 30th. Dr. Shu took the role of both the patient and the surgeon, removing his own fat from his abdomen without the assistance of nurses or another surgeon.

One reason he performed this procedure was simply to remove excess pockets of fat from his abdomen. However, the main purpose of performing a liposuction on himself was, first and foremost, to experience the liposuction procedure from the patient’s perspective. In doing so, Dr. Shu gained a better understanding of what a patient undergoing liposuction may experience, allowing him to provide better care for his patients. This is not the first time Dr. Shu has performed one of his procedures on himself. In the past, he has also performed a gastroscopy (EGD) on himself – one in 2006.

Dr. Shu always wants to be a surgeon who truly understands his patients needs.

Melt Your Muffin Top with Vaser or Laser Lipo for Your love handles

Both men and women have unwanted fat above their hips that they wish wasn’t there, but even with a healthy diet and daily exercise, that unwanted fat can still remain due to genetics.

Lunch Break Lipo with Vaser or laser lipo quickly get rid of muffin top and improves the shape of your body. Results can be seen after just one week, with even more improvement over the course of a few months.

Traditional liposuction is a major surgery, but now, with more advanced lipo technology and liposulpture techniques, results can be achieved with less time and more comfort, without being a tedious process. Moreover, the thermal effect from Vaser or laser technologies cause stimulates collagen production and tightens skin.

Lunch Break Lipo with the new Vaser technology is a safe and convenient and will give you the results you want in very little time. You don’t need a driver, just walk in and walk out in an hour. You can go back to office work at the same day or next day.

Thin Your Thighs in an Hour | Minnesota

Thigh gap is a term used to describe the space or gap between a woman’s upper, inner thighs. It relates to how thin the legs are.

If a woman is unhappy with her upper, inner thighs and wants to see a gap, there are several options here. If the problem is excess fat, then liposuction alone will be an adequate treatment for the inner thighs. These incisions are very small and can be hidden in the groin crease. However, if the problem is excess skin, an inner thigh lift with or without liposuction may be right for you.

Lunch Break Lipo with Vaser lipo is a safe, effective way to contour your thighs and achieve amazing results with minimal recovery time.

The vaser procedure involves a thin probe that is inserted through a small incision in the skin under tumescent anesthesia. The Vaser’s ultrasound high energy liquefies the fat cells while stimulating the skin, promoting new collagen growth for firmer skin. Most patients see results quickly following the procedure as Vaser also reduces skin dimpling and alleviates unwanted cellulite.

Dr. Shu is truly an expert in liposuction as he offers the most advanced liposuction techniques available to ensure maximum effectiveness, patient safety, and minimum downtime.

Transform Your Arm in Your Lunch Hour | Minneapolis

Many women in Minneapolis and St Paul hate the fat deposits and sagging in their upper arms, which is more noticeable in their middle age. It is also very difficult to hide.

Many of us have a short list of go-to exercises to help tone the upper arms. Although exercise can tone your muscles in the upper arms and shoulders, it usually won’t help much in reducing the fat and tightening skin.

arm_1Traditionally, brachioplasty (surgical armlift) was the only answer for it. It involved a large incision, long recovery time and a high cost. Now, if women have an hour in their lunch time, they could have their arm transformed with lunch break lipo. Lunch Break Lipo with new Vaser or laser lipo technologies is a great way to achieve lean, sexy arms. Yes, in just an hour, we are able to have your upper arms transformed.

Most patients see results almost immediately and return to normal activities either right away or the next day. Vaser or laser are on the cutting edge of liposuction technologies as they are less invasive and gentler than traditional liposuction. Most patients only require one treatment.

You are able to schedule the lunch break lipo without consultation if you are healthy. A small percentage of cases with severe skin sagging may require the combination of liposuction with a mini or full arm-lift, we recommend you to have the complimentary consultation if you think you have a case with severe skin sagging.

Younger patients with tight skin in the arm may also consider Hi Def liposculpture for firm, sculpted athletic upper arms.

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