Thin Your Thighs in an Hour | Minnesota

Thigh gap is a term used to describe the space or gap between a woman’s upper, inner thighs. It relates to how thin the legs are.

If a woman is unhappy with her upper, inner thighs and wants to see a gap, there are several options here. If the problem is excess fat, then liposuction alone will be an adequate treatment for the inner thighs. These incisions are very small and can be hidden in the groin crease. However, if the problem is excess skin, an inner thigh lift with or without liposuction may be right for you.

Lunch Break Lipo with Vaser lipo is a safe, effective way to contour your thighs and achieve amazing results with minimal recovery time.

The vaser procedure involves a thin probe that is inserted through a small incision in the skin under tumescent anesthesia. The Vaser’s ultrasound high energy liquefies the fat cells while stimulating the skin, promoting new collagen growth for firmer skin. Most patients see results quickly following the procedure as Vaser also reduces skin dimpling and alleviates unwanted cellulite.

Dr. Shu is truly an expert in liposuction as he offers the most advanced liposuction techniques available to ensure maximum effectiveness, patient safety, and minimum downtime.

Lunch Break Lipo: Walk in and Walk out in an Hour

More than a decade ago, people needed to be admitted to the hospital for liposuction, and it was performed under general anesthesia. Traditional liposuction without local tumescent anesthesia has notoriously high complications and a long recovery time. With the invention of local tumescent anesthesia and new liposuction technologies, liposuction can be done safely and effectively in the ambulatory setting. Now, Lunch Break Lipo is designed to improve efficiency and minimize down time.

Lunch Break Lipo can be done during your lunch hour. Of course, you can block your schedule to do Lunch Break Lipo for an hour at any time of day. Patients may schedule a lunch break lipo without the initial consultation and may send their pictures for review. One of our staff members will call the patient to go through everything before the procedure.

Lunch Break Lipo is so minimally invasive that the patient remains awake during the liposuction and can even return to normal activities when it is over. The Vaser lipo system is an impressive technology that maximizes fat extraction without compromising your comfort and safety. It uses focused ultrasound energy to selectively remove fat cells without affecting much of the surrounding veins, nerves, and tissue. This results in faster healing and less downtime. It also helps to tighten skin. This is why Lunch break Lipo can be performed effectively and efficiently without any sedation.

Lunch Break Lipo usually takes 30 to 45 minutes to finish in one area. The lipo area is given local tumescent anesthesia, but no general anesthesia or intravenous or oral sedation, so patients can walk in and walk out in an hour, no driver needed. The Lunch Break Lipo is limited to one area. If the patient needs liposuction in more than two areas, or on a large body, then oral or intravenous sedation will be given.

Types of Liposuction In Minneapolis offered by Dr. Shu of Shu Cosmetic Surgery

There are many different types of liposuction available in Minneapolis. At Shu Cosmetic Surgery in Ednia, MI, we offer many different liposuction procedures to meet the needs of the individual patient. Most patients seeking liposuction have been unable to eliminate stubborn fat despite maintaining their weight through diet and exercise.

While many cosmetic surgeons in Minneapolis offer one or two types of liposuction, Dr. Steven Shu offers all of the latest types of liposuction:

Laser Liposuction is one of the most requested liposuction procedures in the Minneapolis area. Made popular by a technique called Smartlipo™, laser liposuction is best used for skin tightening purposes and delicate areas such as the neck or upper arms. Dr. Shu may combine laser liposuction with other lipo procedures to achieve custom results.

Vaser Liposuction is a type of ultrasonic liposuction that is used to target specific problem areas with a high degree of precision. Vaser lipo is ideal for treating larger areas of the body such as the stomach and midsection.

Dr. Shu is one of the most sought after cosmetic doctors in Minneapolis for fat transfer procedures. Patients who have Vaser Lipo can often have this fat purified and used in fat transfer procedures like natural breast augmentation or Brazilian butt lift.

AquaShape Liposuction is a gentle but effective lipo technique. This is also called water lipo, Body Jet lipo, or H20 lipo. AquaShape Lipo is different from regular liposuction and offers the fastest healing time of all of the mentioned procedures.

AquaShape lipo uses water pulsation as a fat cell removal system. It allows for patients to have their fat cells displaced and removed without excessive bruising and swelling.

Water lipo is the preferred method of liposuction in Minneapolis for fat transfer procedures.

Hi-Def Liposculpture is a technique that delivers sculpted results by removing fat that has accumulated around the muscles. Hi-def liposuction is well suited for men and women who want an athletic look.

Liposuction For Men

Nearly everyone struggles with unwanted body fat. Even those who have the strictest diets and exercise regimens will have to deal with bulges here and there. As men age, they begin to store fat in the abdominal region. This fat is highly resistant to diet and exercise. Instead of throwing in the towel, many men are now turning to liposuction to get rid of unwanted fat and sculpt their chest and abs into a younger, more defined shape.

According to a report from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) in 2011, men accounted for 13% of all cosmetic procedures in the United States. Among the most popular, is male liposuction. The ASPS report estimates that men spent a combined $69 million dollars in 2011 on liposuction procedures.

Dr. Steven Shu sees many men in his practice and agrees that liposuction is one of the most requested male cosmetic procedures. “Men, like women, are very concerned about the appearance of their bodies. It isn’t shown as much on the news or in magazines, but more and more men are turning to cosmetic surgery to help them look and feel younger and healthier,” says Dr. Shu, founder of Shu Cosmetic Surgery in Edina, Minnesota.

Dr. Shu is widely recognized as one of the leading cosmetic surgeons in Minneapolis and the place to go for advanced liposuction procedures. While many cosmetic doctors offer one or two types of liposuction, Dr. Shu offers three of the newest technologies: Laser Liposuction, Vaser Liposuction and Body Jet Liposuction. In addition, Dr. Shu offers a non-invasive fat reduction procedure, Liposonix, which uses high-intensity focused ultrasound energy to melt away fatty tissue.

For men, Vaser Liposuction is one of the most effective techniques. Vaser lipo uses ultrasound energy to selectively dissolve fat cells, leaving the surrounding tissue intact. Like laser lipo, Vaser Lipo is minimally invasive, performed in our Edina cosmetic treatment center just outside of Minneapolis. Vaser Lipo is ideal for men because it gives Dr. Shu the ability to sculpt the abdomen into a muscular appearance.

Vaser Lipo can also be used to treat other areas of the body including the chin, neck, chest, back and calves.

Dr. Shu can use liposuction for male breast reduction procedures as well. Gynecomastia, male breast enlargement, is a condition that affects millions of men. The emotional stress caused by gynecomastia is often over-looked and understated. Dr. Shu performs male breast reduction under local anesthesia as an outpatient procedure. Typically, liposuction is the choice treatment, though, Dr. Shu can perform other techniques when needed.

In addition to his cosmetic procedures, Dr. Shu offers a range of medically supervised weight loss and hormone therapies. One of our most popular physician supervised weight loss programs is the HCG Diet. Dr. Shu may recommend a medical weight loss program in conjunction with cosmetic procedures for optimal outcomes.

If you, or someone you love is considering cosmetic surgery, contact Dr. Steven Shu at the Shu Cosmetic Surgery Center in Edina, MN. We offer free, private consultations. You will meet with Dr. Shu to discuss your concerns and goals. Dr. Shu will present you with all of the various treatment options and help you make the best decision.

Call today at 952.922.9999 or complete our online request form to request your consultation.

Vaser Lipo – Revolutionary Body Contouring in Minnesota

Everyone in Minnesota wants to look and feel their best. Are you bothered by specific areas of your body that seem out of proportion? You’re not alone.

Vaser is one of among the best liposuction in the world. This revolutionary fat removal procedure offers a safe alternative to traditional liposuction. Vaser lipo provides smooth, predictable results with fast recovery and minimal downtime.

From minor touch-ups to major transformations, Vaser lipo is proved to be efficient, effective and flexible. Whether you’d like to lose a few pounds in traditional areas — your waist, thighs and bottom — or finely sculpt your arms, neck or chest, Vaser lipo gives you the results you want.

Using a technique called LipoSelection®, VASER Lipo targets specific areas of the body. Ultrasonic waves break up and separate fat cells for removal, while leaving vital tissues unharmed.

With Vaser lipo, we can expect:
• Realistic curves and definition, even for hard-to-fix spots
• Easy removal of large quantities of fat
• Precise sculpting of delicate areas of the body
• Minimally invasive procedures that can be delivered in a comfortable, clinical setting
• Fast recovery times
• Smooth, tight results

Shu Cosmetic Surgery in Edina, MN started the Vaser lipo in the late of 2009 and has done more than 600 cases in the Minneapolis and St. Paul areas. It became Dr. Shu’s most favorite lipo technology for its effectiveness, efficiency, flexibility, and minimal invasion.

Non-surgical Fat Reduction in Minnesota

Non-surgical fat reduction treatment is getting popular in Minnesota this year. Specialized equipment is used to create a controlled injury to the fat in the treatment areas. The second generation of Liposonix is new addition of non-surgical fat removal in Minnesota, and it allow outpatient fat treatment with no downtime and minimal to no discomfort. Liposonix is probably one of the most effective non surgical fat reduction treatments.

Who is a good candidate for non-surgical fat reduction?  You are a good candidate if you have limited regional fat deposits on your abdomen, flanks, back, outer thigh. Liposuction is probably a better option for larger fat accumulations.  As with any cosmetic treatment, your doctor or other cosmetic practitioners will help you decide whether you are a candidate for non-surgical fat reduction. Your discussion should include a discussion of the risk, benefits, and alternatives for your treatment.

Liposonix treatment is pretty simple. First your treatment areas are marked. After the limited local anesthesia is applied, the ultrasound transducer head is then moved over the treatment area. Your session may last about an hour. Premedication is usually not needed.

Non-surgical fat reduction  (Liposonix) Benefits:

  • Treats undesirable local fat deposits of the abdomen, flanks, back and thighs
  •  No incision required, minimal risk of skin injury
  • Minimal discomfort, no downtime

Non-surgical fat reduction Considerations

  • Non-surgical fat removal is best for limited volumes of fat of the abdomen, flanks, back and thighs
  • Liposuction is still preferred for many patients
  • This is not a weight loss treatment
  • More than a treatment sessions may be needed sometimes for a larger fat accumulation

Risks/Complications/Patient Safety

  • Skin may be red in the treated area for a few hours
  • Temporary numbness has been noted in some patients
  • Bruise is common and resolves within 2 weeks
  • Small burns are extremely rare


Liposonix usually requires little, if any recovery. For most patients, full activity may be resumed immediately.


Over the next 8 to 12 weeks, your body naturally processes and removes the destroyed fat tissue. With less fat, your body is naturally slimmer, with a sleeker, more contoured waistline.

Breast Reduction for Men in Minnesota

True gynecomastia is a benign enlargement of the male breast resulting from a proliferation of the glandular breast tissue. The similar condition known as pseudogynecomastia, or lipomastia, is characterized by fat deposition without glandular proliferation. Many gynecomastia patients in Minnesota have both increased glandular breast tissue and excess local fat deposition.

Gynecomastia is common in men in the Minneapolis and St Paul areas, it happens at any age. It can be the result of hormonal changes, heredity conditions, disease or the use of certain drugs.

Gynecomastia results mainly from an altered estrogen-androgen balance. The imbalance is between the stimulatory effect of estrogen and the inhibitory effect of androgen. Thus, any cause of estrogen excess from overproduction to peripheral conversion of androgens can initiate the cascade to breast development.

Gynecomastia can cause emotional discomfort and impair your self-confidence. Some men in Minnesota may even avoid certain physical activities and intimacy simply to hide their condition.

Male Breast reduction is the surgical correction of enlarged breasts in men. The surgical treatment is highly effective, giving excellent esthetic results. The treatment of choice in Male Breast reduction is liposuction to the area. It might also be necessary to do liposuction along with surgical excision of the glandular tissue to achieve the best results and the flattest chest. The gland is excised through a half-inch to one-inch long incision around the edge of areola.
This procedure is a good option for you if:
• You are physically healthy adult
• You have realistic expectations
• You are bothered by the feeling that your breasts are too large

Body Contouring Through Liposuction

Body contouring is a method of shaping the body so that it looks young and appealing. A few different options are available to shape the body, including liposuction. Advances in liposuction have resulted in safer and improved body contouring results that create amazing appearances without the highly invasive procedures used in previous decades.

Laser Liposuction

One option to contour and shape the body is through the use of laser liposuction. This form of liposuction uses laser technology to melt fat and tighten the skin. This form of liposuction is best used for those who are interested in tightening skin as well as eliminating the fat or who are concerned about the invasive nature of other procedures.

Vaser Liposuction

Another option is the use of Vaser technology. Vaser liposuction uses ultrasound rather than a laser to break up, separate and remove fat cells from the body without negatively affecting the tissue around the fat cells. It is more precise than laser liposuction for body contouring.

Since Vaser technology is minimally invasive and does not melt or damage the fat cells, it is ideal for fat grafting, or the collection of fat cells for other procedures. It does not harm the fat cells, so it is possible to collect the cells without the damage that can come with laser procedures.

Body Jet Liposuction

By far the gentlest way to break apart the fat cells for body contouring, the Body Jet liposuction procedure is optimal for those who are concerned about swelling, bruising or other negative effects that are common with other liposuction procedures. This form of liposuction uses water pulses against the body to break apart the fat cells without damaging them. They are then possible to remove from the body for contouring without the invasive nature of other options.

Body contouring through liposuction procedures is primarily a matter of explaining the preferred end result and selecting the best procedure for personal comfort level. It is possible to shape the body and remove fat for optimal body shape with liposuction procedures that remove fat cells. The end result is less bruising, swelling and other side effects while the shape of the body improves.

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