Breast Reduction for Men under Local Tumescent Anesthesia in Minnesota

Male breast enlargement (gynecomastia) is due to either increased glandular breast tissue and/or excess local fat deposition. It can be treated with male breast reduction procedure with either liposuction only or liposuction with male mastectomy in the Minneapolis and St. Paul areas.

You are a good candidate if you are generally healthy and do not smoke or use drugs. Although adolescents in Minnesota may benefit from these procedures, it is good idea to wait until your breast development has stabilized. If your breast enlargement is mainly due to fat deposition and weight, a weight loss program with diet and exercise should be your first choice.

Surgical correction is very effective to improve the appearance of breasts in patients with gynecomastia. However, you should still have a realistic expectation. Patients who have significant skin laxity should have their skin tightened with new laser or Vaser technologies, or male breast lift. The deformity related to skin sagging after male breast reduction is one of the most common reasons that patients are not happy with the results.

Traditionally, male breast reduction procedure in Minnesota are performed in the hospital under general anesthesia. With the invention of tumescent anesthesia and the development of liposuction technology, male breast reduction procedures can be performed in the ambulatory setting under local tumescent anesthesia and mild sedation. New approaches of anesthesia can avoid the risks from general anesthesia and shorten the recovery time.

Shu Cosmetic Surgery offers male breast reduction procedure with cutting edge technology and new surgical techniques in the Edina, MN. People in the Minneapolis and St. Paul areas appreciate our minimal invasive approach, high-quality care, and affordable price. Please call our office if you have any questions on male breast reduction.

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