Male Breast Reduction Surgery in Minnesota

Gynecomastia is female-like breasts on a man, often called man boobs. Gynecomastia is common in men in the Minneapolis and St Paul areas; it happens at any age. Epidemiological studies show that gynecomastia is present in one third of men ages 25 to 45 years and in more than half of men over the age of 50 years. Most of these men in Minnesota are asymptomatic. Male breast reduction surgery is the 4th most common cosmetic surgery procedure (18,256 men breasts surgeries) performed in the United States in 2010.

Gynecomastia can be the result of hormonal changes, heredity conditions, disease or the use of certain drugs. It is also strongly correlated with the presence of obesity. Many gynecomastia patients in Minnesota have both increased glandular breast tissue and excess local fat deposition.

Gynecomastia can cause emotional discomfort and impair men’s self-confidence. Some men in Minneapolis/St. Paul may even avoid certain physical activities and intimacy simply to hide their condition. Men and parents of teenagers seek out treatment options on a daily bases. The reality is that there are no real solutions except male breast reduction surgery.

Male breast reduction is the surgical correction of enlarged breasts in men. The current male breast reduction surgical techniques are varied depending on the severity of gynecomastia. One of my favorites is the minimal invasive technique which requires a small 3 to 4 millimeter incision. The surgical treatment is highly effective, giving excellent esthetic results. If male breast enlargement is due to fat deposit, the treatment of choice in male breast reduction is liposuction to the area. It might also be necessary to do liposuction along with surgical excision of the glandular tissue to achieve the best results and the flattest chest. In the severe cases, male breast lift and areola reduction surgeries need to be performed to achieve the best esthetic results.

Treat Yourself to a Mommy Makeover Package at Shu Cosmetic Surgery in Minnesota

The Mommy Makeover has become one of the most popular rejuvenation treatments for young women in Minnesota today. We are proud to offer this at Shu Cosmetic Surgery in Edina.
While having a child brings so much happiness to you and those around you, you may not be as excited about the changes in your body. Now with the help of Shu Cosmetic Surgery you can reclaim your pre-baby figure with a combination of procedures known as the Mommy Makeover.

Many women of all ages in the Minneapolis and St. Paul areas are self-conscious about their new body image after childbirth and would like to look and feel their best when returning to careers and hectic lives. It is important to realize that these procedures can be done on anyone wanting to feel better about themselves, even if your children are older.

There are several areas that we focus on with the Mommy Makeover at Shu Cosmetic Surgery in Minnesota. These are commonly the stomach, breasts, and thighs.
Which procedures are generally included in the Mommy Makeover?

Liposuction: This is excellent for removing pockets of pregnancy fat that don’t respond to diet and exercise. Cosmetically speaking successful liposuction is measured in inches rather than pounds. Dr. Shu prides himself on being able to offer the most diverse types of liposuction in the state of Minnesota.

Tummy Tuck or Mini Tuck: This is a surgical procedure designed to flatten the abdomen by tightening the muscles in the abdomen wall and/or removing excess skin and fatty tissue.

Breast Surgery: We offer many types of breast surgery at Shu Cosmetic Surgery. We will help you choose your best option, whether it is implants, breast lifts, or a breast reduction.

Cellulite Treatment: This is a non-surgical procedure that provides a marked reduction in skin dimpling from cellulite and an increased appearance of skin smoothness.

Scar and Stretch Mark Treatment: At Shu Cosmetic Surgery we are proud to offer the latest in laser technology to improve or eliminate red or raised scars or stimulate collagen production to improve and eliminate the appearance of stretch marks.

Call Shu Cosmetic Surgery in Edina, Minnesota today to book your Mommy Makeover consultation today!

Breast Reduction for Men under Local Tumescent Anesthesia in Minnesota

Male breast enlargement (gynecomastia) is due to either increased glandular breast tissue and/or excess local fat deposition. It can be treated with male breast reduction procedure with either liposuction only or liposuction with male mastectomy in the Minneapolis and St. Paul areas.

You are a good candidate if you are generally healthy and do not smoke or use drugs. Although adolescents in Minnesota may benefit from these procedures, it is good idea to wait until your breast development has stabilized. If your breast enlargement is mainly due to fat deposition and weight, a weight loss program with diet and exercise should be your first choice.

Surgical correction is very effective to improve the appearance of breasts in patients with gynecomastia. However, you should still have a realistic expectation. Patients who have significant skin laxity should have their skin tightened with new laser or Vaser technologies, or male breast lift. The deformity related to skin sagging after male breast reduction is one of the most common reasons that patients are not happy with the results.

Traditionally, male breast reduction procedure in Minnesota are performed in the hospital under general anesthesia. With the invention of tumescent anesthesia and the development of liposuction technology, male breast reduction procedures can be performed in the ambulatory setting under local tumescent anesthesia and mild sedation. New approaches of anesthesia can avoid the risks from general anesthesia and shorten the recovery time.

Shu Cosmetic Surgery offers male breast reduction procedure with cutting edge technology and new surgical techniques in the Edina, MN. People in the Minneapolis and St. Paul areas appreciate our minimal invasive approach, high-quality care, and affordable price. Please call our office if you have any questions on male breast reduction.

Male Breast Enlargement – Pseudogynecomastia in Minnesota

Pseudogynecomastia is probably among the most common types of male breast enlargement in Minnesota adults. However, in this condition, male breasts are mainly composed of fat deposits without the development of breast gland tissue. The breast shape in pseudogynecomastia patients look much like that in the real gynecomastia ones but have no medical reason for being there, as it is simply body fat.

A common male adipose distribution in the chest is a circular pattern around the breasts; this adipose tissue distribution pattern is exaggerated in cases of pseudogynecomastia, which may extend to the underarm areas.

Patients in the Minneapolis and St. Paul areas with male breast enlargements due to pseudogynecomastia should seriously consider their diet and exercise as the first step of treatments. Male breast reduction surgery should preferably be done if weight loss through diet and exercise fails to achieve the goal.

Since the areas surrounding the breast in the pseudogynecomastia are mainly fatty tissue, liposuction should be the first choice to correct it; it usually gets immediate results. The liposuction for male breast reduction is performed in the local tumescent anesthesia in the outpatient setting, and it takes only an hour to finish. It might also be necessary to do liposuction along with surgical excision of the glandular tissue to achieve the best results and the flattest chest if the patients in Minnesota have true gynecomastia.

Age, skin elasticity, and the size of the breast are three main factors that will affect the results.  If the patients have excess skin in the breasts, the liposuction combined with male mastectomy may not be sufficient to correct the breast deformity due to skin laxity.  If the breast skin sagging is mild, Vaser or laser technologies should be used to tighten skin. If the skin sagging is severe, male breast lift (mastopexy) may be necessary.

Diagnosis of Gynecomastia in Minnesota

Gynecomastia usually occurs in newborns, adolescents, and men older than 50 years of age in Minnesota, but most cases of newborn and adolescent gynecomastia are self-limiting and resolve on their own. The prevalence of male breast enlargement in Minnesota men has increased in recent years; it is probably related to obesity, side effects of medication, the use of recreational drugs, an underlying medical condition, and/or exposure to xenoestrogens, which is present in many products. Pseudogynecomastia looks much like real gynecomastia but has no medical reason for being there except for the patient being overweight.

The differential diagnosis of male breast enlargement includes breast cancer, pseudogynecomastia, lipoma, sebaceous cyst, dermoid cyst, hematoma, mastitis, metastasis, ductal ectasia, fat necrosis, or a hamartoma . Diagnosis of gynecomastia is usually clear and straight without any tests. Your surgeon may occasionally also recommend ultrasound and/or a mammogram to rule out the very small possibility of breast cancer. The breast gland specimen is routinely sent to a pathological lab to confirm the presence of gynecomastia and rule out tumors under a microscope. Gynecomastia should also be distinguished from muscle hypertrophy of the pectoralis muscles in muscular male patients.

If a medical problem of gynecomastia is the suspected cause after reviewing your medical history and doing a physical exam during the initial visit, you’ll be referred to an appropriate medical specialist for further evaluation. Laboratory investigations are recommended to find the underlying cause of gynecomastia, including liver and kidney function tests, sexual hormone, and thyroid tests. Additional labs that may be considered are to test the markers of testicular, adrenal, or other tumors.

Most gynecomastia patients in Minneapolis and St. Paul areas need a male breast reduction surgery to correct the enlarged breasts. Male breast reduction surgery is a highly effective surgical procedure in the combination of liposuction and surgical excision, giving excellent esthetic results. Shu Cosmetic Surgery uses minimal invasive surgical approach with local tumescent anesthesia and cutting-edge liposuction technology to achieve a great cosmetic result.

Gynecomastia in Minnesota

Gynecomastia is the benign enlargement of breast tissue in males due to either increased glandular breast tissue and/or excess local fat deposition. The term comes from the Greek gyné meaning “female” and mastós meaning “breast.” Gynecomastia can happen at any age and can be the result of hormonal changes, heredity conditions, disease, or certain drug use.

Temporary gynecomastia may occur physiologically in newborns and adolescence due to an altered estrogen-androgen balance.  More than a quarter of adolescent boys may live with enlarged breasts for the rest of their lives, but majority cases resolve within a few years of onset without intervention.

“Puffy nipples”, one of the most common forms of gynecomastia in Minnesota, is characterized by a glandular tissue accumulation forming a dome shaped appearance to the areola. Anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) induced gynecomastia is glandular gynecomastia that is common in bodybuilders after using anabolic steroids. Older men develop gynecomastia as a result of the natural decrease of testosterone production. These patients tend to have a greater abundance of excess skin around the areola due to age-related skin sagging.

Gynecomastia can occur unilaterally and asymmetrically.  Unilateral type occurs when only one breast is deformed, the other breast is typically normal in both size and shape. Asymmetrical gynecomastia occurs when both breasts have gynecomastia, but each to a different degree.

Pseudogynecomastia is characterized by local fat deposition in breasts without glandular proliferation. It requires different treatment. The weight reduction with exercise and diet may improve pseudogynecomastia, but the treatment of choice in pseudogynecomastia is liposuction to the area.

Most gynecomastia patients in Minneapolis and St. Paul areas need a male breast reduction surgery to correct the enlarged breasts. Shu Cosmetic Surgery uses minimal invasive surgical approach with local tumescent anesthesia and cutting-edge liposuction technology to achieve a great cosmetic result.

Breast Reduction for Men in Minnesota

True gynecomastia is a benign enlargement of the male breast resulting from a proliferation of the glandular breast tissue. The similar condition known as pseudogynecomastia, or lipomastia, is characterized by fat deposition without glandular proliferation. Many gynecomastia patients in Minnesota have both increased glandular breast tissue and excess local fat deposition.

Gynecomastia is common in men in the Minneapolis and St Paul areas, it happens at any age. It can be the result of hormonal changes, heredity conditions, disease or the use of certain drugs.

Gynecomastia results mainly from an altered estrogen-androgen balance. The imbalance is between the stimulatory effect of estrogen and the inhibitory effect of androgen. Thus, any cause of estrogen excess from overproduction to peripheral conversion of androgens can initiate the cascade to breast development.

Gynecomastia can cause emotional discomfort and impair your self-confidence. Some men in Minnesota may even avoid certain physical activities and intimacy simply to hide their condition.

Male Breast reduction is the surgical correction of enlarged breasts in men. The surgical treatment is highly effective, giving excellent esthetic results. The treatment of choice in Male Breast reduction is liposuction to the area. It might also be necessary to do liposuction along with surgical excision of the glandular tissue to achieve the best results and the flattest chest. The gland is excised through a half-inch to one-inch long incision around the edge of areola.
This procedure is a good option for you if:
• You are physically healthy adult
• You have realistic expectations
• You are bothered by the feeling that your breasts are too large

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