Gentle Way to Rejuvenate Facial Skin – Microdermabrasion in Minneapolis

Although the laser skin rejuvenation has been becoming popular over the past years, non-invasive cosmetic procedure such as microdermabrasion still is among the most common treatments in skin rejuvenation because many people in Minnesota can’t afford to have downtime with some invasive cosmetic procedures or microdermabrasion is added between the laser treatments to keep looking skin young and healthy.

Microdermabrasion is the process of peeling off the outermost surface of the skin with very tiny rough grains of crystals or diamond tips. The tip also has a vacuum attached which helps to take away the dead skin cells. It is a gentle, painless, non-surgical cosmetic technique that aims to remove the topmost layer of the skin called the stratum corneum to create a rejuvenating effect and treat common skin problems such as acne scarring and mild discoloration, sun damage, and wrinkles. Microdermabrasion will stimulate circulation of blood to the cells which keeps skin healthy and gives it a nice glow. It also helps to stimulate the protein called collagen, which keeps our skin firm. Although other parts of the body such as the neck and chest can be treated with microdermabrasion, the face is the most common area to be treated.
The procedure can be administered to adults at any age. It can be done monthly on the regular basis or as frequently as 1-2 weeks depending on the skin’s sensitivity and tolerance.

No needles or anesthetics are needed. A typical microdermabrasion is done by cleaning off all make up and oils on the skin surface. Then an esthetician moves the handheld device across the skin slowly and repeatedly until enough outer skin is exfoliated from the surface.

Microdermabrasion is among the safest skin rejuvenation procedures. It has very minimal side effects including the skin’s sensitivity to sunlight and rare light bleeding due to fine broken blood vessels.

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