Mini Tummy Tuck FAQ

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Introduction | Technique | FAQ | Before & After

Who is an ideal candidate for a mini tummy tuck?

The mini tummy tuck procedure is ideal for patients who experience a bulging abdomen, excess fat, or sagging skin in the lower abdominal region. Candidates should not be expecting results that are similar to those from a full tummy tuck.

What are the differences between the partial RejuveTummy™ lipoabdominoplasty and traditional mini-tuck?

Traditional Mini Tummy Tuck (Partial Abdominoplasty) RejuveTummy™ (Partial Lipoabdominoplasty)
AnesthesiaGeneral anesthesia With post anesthesia reactionLocal tumescent anesthesia Awake, can eat and ambulate
LiposuctionLimited Extensive
Bleeding and traumaSignificantMinimal
Perforating vessels and Scarpa’s fasciaNot PreservedPreserved
Abdominal suction drainsYesNo
Operating timeLongRelatively short
RecoverySlow and long recoveryFast and short recovery
Post operative painModerate to severeModerate
Supra-pubic skin sensitivity Less preservedMore preserved
SafetyMore complicationsFewer complications
Incision and scarLongRelatively short
Abdominal profileLess naturalMore natural and youthful

Does a mini Tuck require a general anesthesiaor hospitalization?

No. A mini tuck can be performed under the tumescent (local) anesthesia with or without IV sedation in the ambulatory setting.
What are the risks and complications for a mini tuck?

Risks and complications of this procedure may include swelling, bruising, bleeding, infection, scarring, numbness, and change in feeling. The lower abdomen area may experience some scarring and irregularity from the liposuction.

What is the recovery time for a mini tummy tuck?

Recovery typically takes one to two weeks.

Is a mini tummy tuck suitable to fix post-pregnancy excess fat?

Yes, mini tucks with liposuction are often used to get rid of post-pregnancy fat. Loose rolls of skin and fat left after a pregnancy can prove extremely difficult to remove simply with exercise and diet, so a mini tummy tuck can help. A mini tummy tuck costs less than a traditional tummy tuck and only leaves a small scar above the pubis.

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