Skin Tyte FAQ

Introduction | Liposuction | Face | Tummy Tuck | Breast | Male Breast | Butt Lift | Eyelid & Eyebrow | Fat Transfer | Vagina | Laser Skin Care | Injectable

Laser Overview | Profractional Laser | Microlaser Peel | South Beach Peel | BBL | Skin Tyte | Vein Care | Cellulite Treatment

Introduction | FAQ

How does it work?
The laser’s beam shines through the surface of the skin to the collagen underneath; heating the collagen without burning the skin. This heat causes the skin to tighten, which can be notice immediately, and stimulates the growth of new collagen. Over the next few months, you will see a younger and fresher look to your skin from the stimulation of the collagen.

We suggest having 2-3 treatments, about 4 weeks apart, in conjunction with home skincare products like Obagi, to achieve more dramatic and long-term results.

What is Collagen?
Collagen is protein present in the body. It is a network of fibers in the layer of skin below the surface (dermal layer), which allows blood vessels and skin cells to grow, and gives support to the skin, keeping it smooth. Collagen is what makes the fibers of connective tissue in skin.

Age and sun exposure damages and weakens the collagen, making it less resilient. When we use our facial muscles for expression or daily use we are working against the pull of gravity, forcing the skin to give way and wrinkles form.

This is where the work of our laser comes in. The laser beam, with precise and measured amounts of heat energy, is applied to the dermis and stimulates the collagen fibers to re-grow. Collagen can take anywhere from three to six months to grow, so during that time period you’ll continue to notice improvement in your skin tone and appearance.

What is the skin tightening treatment like?
A small handheld device is used to direct rapid pulses of the laser light on to your skin. You should feel growing warmth in the area which lasts just a few minutes. As the collagen begins to re-grow, the results will become more apparent and you will see more youthful skin.

A skin tightening treatment can be done anywhere on the body, such as the throat, arms, or buttocks. In some cases it is a better option than liposuction or a mini tummy tuck.

Some of the same results and more are gained from having a laser skin resurfacing, which is another treatment we can provide. With skin resurfacing, the laser actually removes the top layer of skin, the epidermis. The collagen in the dermis responds to loss of the epidermis by growing more skin cells. Laser Lipolysis is another options that offers more dramatic skin tightening in combining with liposuction.

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