IDEAL Breast lift™ Minneapolis and St. Paul MN

Introduction | Liposuction | Face | Tummy Tuck | Breast | Male Breast | Butt Lift | Eyelid & Eyebrow | Fat Transfer | Vagina
| Laser Skin Care | Injectable

Overview | Natural Breast™ | Hi Def Breast |Implants | Lift | Lift with Implant | Open Reduction | Scarless Reduction | Scarless Lift | Nipple Reshape | Tumescent AnesthesiaCost


A breast lift, or mastopexy, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that raises and reshapes breasts that have sagged from pregnancy, from significant weight changes, or from the natural process of aging. The breast lift restores the breast to a more youthful look by repositioning the nipple at a higher position and removing excess skin which creates a natural sling or new bra to support the breasts. The best candidate for a breast lift is for any woman with sagging breasts that don’t like the feeling of their breasts pulling forward and laying heavily on their stomachs and even the best bras do not give them the support they need. Another way to determine if someone is a candidate for a breast lift would be to look in the mirror and see if the position of the nipple (not the areola, the darkened circular area around the nipple) is above, at, or below the crease beneath your breast. If the nipple is below the crease, a lift will definitely restore the breast to a more youthful shape. If the nipple sits at the crease, it is a borderline situation and Dr. Shu’s expertise will determine whether a breast lift, a breast augmentation, or both are needed.

IDEAL breast lift™ technique

Dr. Shu trained with board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Ted Eisenberg, to perform the newest technique for mastopexy (breast lift) called IDEAL breast lift™. The breast lift restores the breast to a more youthful look by repositioning the nipple at a higher position and removing excess skin which creates a natural sling or new bra to support the breasts. Dr. Shu does not remove the nipple during the procedure; but instead, sews the nipple and central portion of areola higher. The breast tissue is not touched, only the skin is removed to create the lift and to support the breasts. The procedure is performed as an outpatient procedure and is done under the IV sedation with local anesthetic. After IDEAL breast lift™ patients have had minimal discomfort. Stitches are dissolvable and don’t need to be removed. More than 90% of breast surgery patients are back to work on the fifth day, if they work in an office setting. Patients can generally return to aerobics in two to three weeks and upper body weightlifting in six weeks.


Some things to consider before deciding to have a breast lift are there may be a scar from the incision that goes around the nipple, extends from the nipple down to the breast fold then across the breast fold itself. For some women the incision will heal to a thin line; for others it may be thicker. Sometimes the breast assumes a boxy shape below the nipple where the skin was tightened. Lastly, mastopexy or a breast lift may not be permanent if your skin tone is poor before the surgery. The breasts might sag again to some extent, but not nearly to the point at which they were before surgery. A second operation might be required to retighten the skin of the breast in the future.

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