Cellulyze™ in Minneapolis and St Paul

Acne Scar | Age Spots | Anal Tag | Cellulite | Dropping Eyelids | Gynecomastia | Nail Fungus | Rosacea | Skin Lesion | Spider Veins | Stretch Marks | Tattoo | Wrinkle

Laser Overview | Cellulyze™ | FAQ | Before & After

Many people in Minnesota believe that cellulite is a fat problem, which can be addressed through diet and exercise. The cause of Cellulite is actually multifactorial, aging, hormones, genetics and dramatic weight changes can all play a role in the development of cellulite. These factors can cause connective tissue bands that pull skin down to create dimpling, and the fat cells they surround to become larger and push up into the skin, creating the “cottage cheese” effect.

Cellulite is a structural problem below the skin. Several new technologies have been invented to target the structure of cellulite. The results are far more visible than any previous anti-cellulite treatments.

Introducing Cellulyze™, from Shu Cosmetic Surgery, a minimally invasive procedure that attacks the structure of celllulite. Most anti-cellulite treatments focus on cellulite superficially and may help to improve very mild cellulite, but Cellulyze™ can treat more advanced cellulite by releasing the fibrous bands beneath the skin and tightening skin surrounding cellulite. This can all be achieved in just one treatment.

Cellulyze™ is a 2-step procedure. First, superficial fatty tissue is removed from the problem areas and Vaser technology is used to tighten the skin. Vaser selectively breaks apart fatty tissue while preserving nerves and blood vessels. Then, hardened fibrous bands are cut to reduce skin dimpling and contour irregularities.

During the procedure you can expect:

Recovery from CellulyzeTM usually takes only 1-2 days. You’ll have some bruising and discomfort afterwards. A small amount of anesthetic fluid may leak from the incision sites. A compression garment should be worn for a few weeks to help with swelling and healing process. You’ll be able to go back to your normal activities after a day or two and resume more strenuous activity or exercise after 2 weeks. Your results will continue to improve for the next six months.

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