Mini Browlift Minneapolis

Introduction | Liposuction | Face | Tummy Tuck | Breast | Male Breast | Butt Lift | Eyelid & Eyebrow | Fat Transfer | Vagina
| Laser Skin Care | Injectable

Overview | Blepharoplasty | Mini Brow Lift | Temporal Brow Lift | Cost

Introduction | FAQ

Mini open browlift, a modified version of the pretrichial forehead lift, is typically recommended for patients with higher foreheads with a good hairline. The procedure involves making an irregular, wavy incision just millimeters behind the hairline (where the frontal hairline joins the forehead) and angling the incision so that very few hair follicles are damaged. Hair then grows through the incision and thus, helps hide the scar. The incision is carried down to the rim of the eye socket so that the eyebrow tissue can be elevated. A small portion of the tissue equal to the amount of lift desired is then removed, and the incision is closed.

The major advantages of a mini open browlift include significantly improved scar camouflaging and the ability to perform extensive myoplasty. The height of the forehead is also reduced, and patients do not have to worry about scar exposure when their forehead is shown. Patients with higher hairlines are ideal candidates for this browlift since the hairline position is preserved. This technique can also be used for hairline lowering, in which the forehead represents more than one-third of the patient’s face when viewed from the front. Hairline lowering can be combined with a browlift or performed as an independent procedure.

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