Mini Browlift FAQ

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Introduction | FAQ

Who is an ideal candidate for a mini open browlift?

This procedure is ideal for patients who have higher foreheads and hairlines. The trichophytic brow lift is the best choice for smoothing out deep, horizontal forehead furls.

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What kind of anesthesia is used?

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia with oral or intravenous conscious sedation.

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How effective is a browlift in making you look younger?

This depends on the amount of aging initially seen in each patient’s face. Most people will appear 5-15 years younger after the brow lift surgery, averaging about 10 years.

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How long will the results of a browlift last?

The effects of the browlift should be long-lasting. After the procedure, the patient will continue to age, but the results of the browlift should still be evident for years to come.

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How long does it take to recover from a browlift?

Most of the swelling that results from the procedure resolves in the first week. Most patients are able to resume daily activities after the first week since the average person will not notice any leftover swelling in the face. It is recommended that physical activity, such as heavy lifting or exercising, should not be resumed until after the fourth week. The remainder of the swelling can take up to three weeks to completely resolve.

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What are the risks of browlift surgery?

Although complications are rare, it is important to be aware of any risks associated with the procedure. Possible complications may include nerve damage of the eyebrow muscles, widening of the incision due to tension, and damage of hair follicles in the incision region. Numbness and discomfort can be felt around any incision for a few weeks. As the nerves grow back, patients may also feel itchiness, a normal reaction to nerve growth. Infections and bleeding are uncommon but may occur.

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If I have a browlift, will I end up with a “surprised” look?

Although a brow lift does not always raise the brow area, it is not uncommon for patients to see themselves with a “surprised” look for up to three weeks following a brow lift. This effect can result from temporary swelling. Some patients may experience this “surprised” look for longer than three weeks, but it’s usually not noticed by others.

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If I have a browlift, will it also lift my face?

Brow lifts can also address the area below the eyes. When combined with a mid-facelift suspension, which can be performed through the same incisions, the procedure can lift some amount of sagging in the face.

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