
Introduction | Liposuction | Face | Tummy Tuck | Breast | Male Breast | Butt Lift | Eyelid & Eyebrow | Fat Transfer | Vagina | Laser Skin Care | Injectable

Liposuction Overview | Lunch Break Lipo | Technology | Cost

Vaser Lipo | Laser Lipo | Tumescent Anesthesia

Body Contouring Technology

SCSI offers the most extensive range of state-of-the-art technology in the state of Minnesota, with equipment serving every area of cosmetic care.

VASER-2 Lipo® is the newest generation device for liposuction and fat transfer that uses ultrasonic energy — high-frequency sound waves — to produce superior results. Using a technique called LipoSelection®, VASER-2 Lipo targets specific areas of the body. Ultrasonic waves break up and separate fat cells for removal, while leaving vital tissues unharmed.

Laser Lipo is laser-assisted lipolysis that works through selective photothermia, which occurs when laser-light energy is absorbed by fat and then converted into heat energy. The adipocytes absorb the energy and rupture, yielding permanent volume reduction. This also causes tissue tightening with the contraction in all skin layers due to collagen remodeling. We use Lipotherme laser device from Osyris and Laser Pro Lipo from InnoGym.

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