Thin Your Thighs in an Hour | Minnesota

Thigh gap is a term used to describe the space or gap between a woman’s upper, inner thighs. It relates to how thin the legs are.

If a woman is unhappy with her upper, inner thighs and wants to see a gap, there are several options here. If the problem is excess fat, then liposuction alone will be an adequate treatment for the inner thighs. These incisions are very small and can be hidden in the groin crease. However, if the problem is excess skin, an inner thigh lift with or without liposuction may be right for you.

Lunch Break Lipo with Vaser lipo is a safe, effective way to contour your thighs and achieve amazing results with minimal recovery time.

The vaser procedure involves a thin probe that is inserted through a small incision in the skin under tumescent anesthesia. The Vaser’s ultrasound high energy liquefies the fat cells while stimulating the skin, promoting new collagen growth for firmer skin. Most patients see results quickly following the procedure as Vaser also reduces skin dimpling and alleviates unwanted cellulite.

Dr. Shu is truly an expert in liposuction as he offers the most advanced liposuction techniques available to ensure maximum effectiveness, patient safety, and minimum downtime.

Categories: Body ContouringLiposuctionVaser Lipo
Tags: affordable liposuctionLaser LiposuctionLiposuction MinneapolisLiposuction MNLiposuction St Paullow cost liposuctionMinneapolis LiposuctionVaser LipoVaser liposuction