Transform Your Arm in Your Lunch Hour | Minneapolis

Many women in Minneapolis and St Paul hate the fat deposits and sagging in their upper arms, which is more noticeable in their middle age. It is also very difficult to hide.

Many of us have a short list of go-to exercises to help tone the upper arms. Although exercise can tone your muscles in the upper arms and shoulders, it usually won’t help much in reducing the fat and tightening skin.

Traditionally, brachioplasty (surgical armlift) was the only answer for it. It involved a large incision, long recovery time and a high cost. Now, if women have an hour in their lunch time, they could have their arm transformed with lunch break lipo. Lunch Break Lipo with new Vaser or laser lipo technologies is a great way to achieve lean, sexy arms. Yes, in just an hour, we are able to have your upper arms transformed.

Most patients see results almost immediately and return to normal activities either right away or the next day. Vaser or laser are on the cutting edge of liposuction technologies as they are less invasive and gentler than traditional liposuction. Most patients only require one treatment.

You are able to schedule the lunch break lipo without consultation if you are healthy. A small percentage of cases with severe skin sagging may require the combination of liposuction with a mini or full arm-lift, we recommend you to have the complimentary consultation if you think you have a case with severe skin sagging.

Younger patients with tight skin in the arm may also consider Hi Def liposculpture for firm, sculpted athletic upper arms.

Categories: Body ContouringLiposuction
Tags: affordable liposuctionLaser LiposuctionLiposuction MinneapolisLiposuction MNLiposuction St Paullow cost liposuctionMinneapolis LiposuctionVaser LipoVaser liposuction