Dr. Shu Performs Liposuction on Himself (DIY Liposuction) | Minnsota

In an ambitious feat, Dr. Shu performed a liposuction procedure on himself on April 30th. Dr. Shu took the role of both the patient and the surgeon, removing his own fat from his abdomen without the assistance of nurses or another surgeon.

One reason he performed this procedure was simply to remove excess pockets of fat from his abdomen. However, the main purpose of performing a liposuction on himself was, first and foremost, to experience the liposuction procedure from the patient’s perspective. In doing so, Dr. Shu gained a better understanding of what a patient undergoing liposuction may experience, allowing him to provide better care for his patients. This is not the first time Dr. Shu has performed one of his procedures on himself. In the past, he has also performed a gastroscopy (EGD) on himself – one in 2006.

Dr. Shu always wants to be a surgeon who truly understands his patients needs.

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