Lipoabdominoplasty Cost

Introduction | Liposuction | Face | Tummy Tuck | Breast | Male Breast | Butt Lift | Eyelid & Eyebrow | Fat Transfer | Vagina
| Laser Skin Care | Injectable

Overview | Tummy Tuck | Mini Tuck | Tumescent Anesthesia | Cost

All surgical procedures and treatments are performed in our brand new, 5000 square feet, state-of-the-art surgical center in the Southdale Medical Center, Edina. The procedures are done in an ambulatory setting, making the costs significantly less expensive than a hospital procedure. When comparing prices of surgical procedures, note that our standard fees include more than just the often-quoted “procedure fee.” Prices include:

Ballpark cost estimates for cosmetic surgery procedures including surgeon’s fee, anesthesia, facility fee, pre-op consultation, post-op follow up &.

Full Lipoabdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck with liposuction): $6000-$8000

Partial Lipoabdominoplasty (Mini Tuck with liposuction): $5000 – $6500


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