Juvederm Minneapolis

Overview | Visia Skin Analysis | Laser Skin Care | Chemical Peel | Microdermabrasion | Injectable | Skin Care Products

Introduction | Juvederm | Radiesse

Juvéderm is an injectable gel dermal filler that instantly smoothes out wrinkles and lines on the face. This simple procedure provides a natural, smooth look and only requires about 15 minutes to perform. Juvéderm is available in two formulations—Juvéderm Ultra and Juvéderm Ultra Plus. Juvéderm Ultra offers versatility in enhancing the usual wrinkles and folds. Juvéderm Ultra Plus is usually used to correct deeper folds and wrinkles.

During the procedure, Juvéderm is injected under the skin using a needle. The filler temporarily adds volume to the skin, which can last up to one year. There is very little downtime. Mild redness, swelling, and tenderness may occur at the injection site after the procedure, but these effects are temporary and typically heal within a few days.

Blunt Tip Needle (Microcannula) for Filler Injection

There are many advantages of a blunt tip needle for filler injections.

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