Liposuction | Minneapolis & St Paul

Many men and women in Minnesota have excess fat in the surface of their body that just won’t go away, even after they lost weight. Humans have forever been on the journey to aesthetic perfection, so much so that a procedure, called liposuction that might help get you there was invented.

The procedure is done using local tumscent anesthesia with or without intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. The surgeon uses the new liposuction technology to melt fat first and then inserts a tube that goes under the skin, where it sucks away fat using a vacuum pump. This requires expert skill, as removing too much can make the area look wrinkled and uneven, but not removing enough will not result in good shape.

There are many different liposuction technologies that vary greatly, including Vaser, laser and body-jet. As such, recovery may vary as well. Patients usually have to wear the compression garments for 4 weeks to improves the contour of the skin as it adjusts to the absence of fat.

It’s highly common to feel mild pain and tenderness, especially if the liposuction was performed over a large area- such is the price of beauty! Jokes aside, your body is also vulnerable to infection, so you will probably be prescribed antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, and painkillers to make the healing process easier. Most of the bruising and swelling will subside within weeks, but the entire process can take several months. You may feel initial tenderness, stiffness, and possible the appearance of small lumps that usually resolve with time goes. These are all a part of healing- have faith in the process.

Liposuction is a powerful procedure with the potential to transform people’s bodies and lives. The targeted removal of fat can make one look more attractive and healthy. Make sure to find a good surgeon having a lot of liposuction experience and good lipo technologies.

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