Lunch Break Lipo: Walk in and Walk out in an Hour

More than a decade ago, people needed to be admitted to the hospital for liposuction, and it was performed under general anesthesia. Traditional liposuction without local tumescent anesthesia has notoriously high complications and a long recovery time. With the invention of local tumescent anesthesia and new liposuction technologies, liposuction can be done safely and effectively in the ambulatory setting. Now, Lunch Break Lipo is designed to improve efficiency and minimize down time.

Lunch Break Lipo can be done during your lunch hour. Of course, you can block your schedule to do Lunch Break Lipo for an hour at any time of day. Patients may schedule a lunch break lipo without the initial consultation and may send their pictures for review. One of our staff members will call the patient to go through everything before the procedure.

Lunch Break Lipo is so minimally invasive that the patient remains awake during the liposuction and can even return to normal activities when it is over. The Vaser lipo system is an impressive technology that maximizes fat extraction without compromising your comfort and safety. It uses focused ultrasound energy to selectively remove fat cells without affecting much of the surrounding veins, nerves, and tissue. This results in faster healing and less downtime. It also helps to tighten skin. This is why Lunch break Lipo can be performed effectively and efficiently without any sedation.

Lunch Break Lipo usually takes 30 to 45 minutes to finish in one area. The lipo area is given local tumescent anesthesia, but no general anesthesia or intravenous or oral sedation, so patients can walk in and walk out in an hour, no driver needed. The Lunch Break Lipo is limited to one area. If the patient needs liposuction in more than two areas, or on a large body, then oral or intravenous sedation will be given.

Categories: Body ContouringLaser LipoLiposuctionVaser Lipo
Tags: Body ContouringLaser LiposuctionLiposuction MinneapolisLiposuction MNLiposuction St PaulMinneapolis LiposuctionShu Cosmetic SurgeryVaser liposuction