Diagnosis of Gynecomastia in Minnesota

Gynecomastia usually occurs in newborns, adolescents, and men older than 50 years of age in Minnesota, but most cases of newborn and adolescent gynecomastia are self-limiting and resolve on their own. The prevalence of male breast enlargement in Minnesota men has increased in recent years; it is probably related to obesity, side effects of medication, the use of recreational drugs, an underlying medical condition, and/or exposure to xenoestrogens, which is present in many products. Pseudogynecomastia looks much like real gynecomastia but has no medical reason for being there except for the patient being overweight.

The differential diagnosis of male breast enlargement includes breast cancer, pseudogynecomastia, lipoma, sebaceous cyst, dermoid cyst, hematoma, mastitis, metastasis, ductal ectasia, fat necrosis, or a hamartoma . Diagnosis of gynecomastia is usually clear and straight without any tests. Your surgeon may occasionally also recommend ultrasound and/or a mammogram to rule out the very small possibility of breast cancer. The breast gland specimen is routinely sent to a pathological lab to confirm the presence of gynecomastia and rule out tumors under a microscope. Gynecomastia should also be distinguished from muscle hypertrophy of the pectoralis muscles in muscular male patients.

If a medical problem of gynecomastia is the suspected cause after reviewing your medical history and doing a physical exam during the initial visit, you’ll be referred to an appropriate medical specialist for further evaluation. Laboratory investigations are recommended to find the underlying cause of gynecomastia, including liver and kidney function tests, sexual hormone, and thyroid tests. Additional labs that may be considered are to test the markers of testicular, adrenal, or other tumors.

Most gynecomastia patients in Minneapolis and St. Paul areas need a male breast reduction surgery to correct the enlarged breasts. Male breast reduction surgery is a highly effective surgical procedure in the combination of liposuction and surgical excision, giving excellent esthetic results. Shu Cosmetic Surgery uses minimal invasive surgical approach with local tumescent anesthesia and cutting-edge liposuction technology to achieve a great cosmetic result.

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Tags: Gynecomastia MinneapolisLiposuctionMale Breast Reduction MinneapolisMale Breast Reduction MNMale Breast Reduction St. PauShu Cosmetic Surgery