Liposonix Non-surgical Fat Reduction Treatment in Minnesota

Shu Cosmetic Surgery is a pioneer cosmetic clinic in Minnesota that offers Liposonix, the latest non-surgical body contouring treatment. Liposonix system uses high-intensity focused ultrasound energy, which penetrates through the skin layers and into the targeted fat without harming skin or surrounding tissues.

The Liposonix non-surgical fat reduction treatment is unique because it permanently destroys the fat cells in the target areas without surgery or downtime. The body naturally processes and removes the destroyed fat tissue over a period of 8 to 12 weeks, leaving behind a slimmer, more contoured waistline. Clinical studies show that patients can reduce their waistline by one dress or pant size after a one-hour treatment.

The second generation of Liposonix is a versatile tool that targets unwanted body fat in specific areas like the abdomen and waistline. However, proper patient screening is critical in achieving good results. As Liposonix works best for patients of normal weight with at least one inch of fat thickness, it is also a great option for someone in Minnesota with a moderate amount of fat who does not want to undergo liposuction surgery or the downtime of it. With one or two Liposonix treatments, it may equal liposuction results.

Our clinic has developed a set of treatment protocols that has increased both our experience with the device and our positive results. Patients in the Minneapolis and St Paul areas should keep in mind that Liposonix is NOT a weight loss method or obesity solution and is intended for individuals who maintain healthy diet and exercise habits.

Categories: Body ContouringLiposonixLiposonix Minnesota
Tags: CoolsculptingLiposonixLiposonix MinneapolisLiposonix MinnesotaLiposonix MNLiposonix St. PaulMinnesota Liposonixnon-surgical body contouringnon-surgical fat reduction