Chemical peels in Minneapolis

Chemical peels, also known as derma-peels, have been around for thousands of years. Cleopatra was known to do the first chemical peels by bathing in milk which contains lactic acid. Women in Minneapolis use chemical peels to soften skin, improve blemishes, brown spots, acne scars, wrinkles and fine lines that appear with age.

African American women or black women in Minnesota are known to age very well due to the amounts of melanin in their skin which gives them natural sun protection. Yet years of sun exposure without sunscreen will cause facial skin to turn many shades darker than the skin on the neck and chest. This is a sign of sun damage which can also lead to skin cancer.

The use of chemical peels can help by lifting away layers of skin. Peels are done as a series of 4-6 treatments and over time, softer, smoother, lighter skin is revealed. During and after the peel treatments, an SPF factor of 30 or more must continually be used to protect the skin and prevent the sun’s UV rays from doing its damage all over again.

There are chemical peels that are good for all skin types and some should not be used on darker skin. Darker skins can either hyper-pigment and turn darker or hypo-pigment which causes it to turn very light in color. Your esthetician or clinician can determine the best chemical peel for you and can do a spot treatment to see how your skin will react.

Sonya Stelmachuk – Esthetician in Shu Cosmetic Surgery, Edina, MN

Categories: Anti AgingFacial RejuvenationJessner's and TCA PeelsMedspaMinneapolis Med spaSkin Rejuvenation
Tags: acneacne scarsChemical Peel MinneapolisChemical Peel MNChemical peel St. PaulChemical PeelsSkin Rejuvenationsun spotswrinkle reduction