Facial Rejuvenation with Protein Rich Plasma (PRP) in Minnesota

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) may be defined as a portion of the plasma fraction of autologous blood having a platelet concentration above baseline. The higher concentration results in the presence of higher concentrations of numerous growth factors including platelet derived growth factors, growth factor, epithelial growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, and transforming growth factor. By concentrating platelets at a particular site, such as in the face, practitioners in MN have the potential to enhance the body’s natural capacity for healing. Platelet-rich plasma injections are used in the same way, and are particularly good for improving texture, tone, and color of the skin for those living in Minneapolis, MN. These injections are crucial as a rejuvenating agent because they can greatly improve skin color, elasticity, and smoothness due to newly formed blood vessels and collagen.

Results have shown an increase in radiance, improved texture, improved tone, and reduction of fine lines after 3 weeks following a PRP treatment. Some minor side effects from the procedure include possible swelling or bruising after PRP which typically resolves within 72 hours. The numbers of treatments required are based on one’s specific needs. Most people need 1 to 3 treatments, spaced 4-6 weeks apart for maximum benefit.

Categories: Anti AgingFacial RejuvenationMedspaSkin Rejuvenation
Tags: blood injectionsFacial Rejuvenationplasmaplasma injectionsprotein rich plasmaPRPrejuvenationvamp liftvampire liftwrinkle reducer