Non-surgical Fat Reduction in Minnesota

Non-surgical fat reduction treatment is getting popular in Minnesota this year. Specialized equipment is used to create a controlled injury to the fat in the treatment areas. The second generation of Liposonix is new addition of non-surgical fat removal in Minnesota, and it allow outpatient fat treatment with no downtime and minimal to no discomfort. Liposonix is probably one of the most effective non surgical fat reduction treatments.

Who is a good candidate for non-surgical fat reduction?  You are a good candidate if you have limited regional fat deposits on your abdomen, flanks, back, outer thigh. Liposuction is probably a better option for larger fat accumulations.  As with any cosmetic treatment, your doctor or other cosmetic practitioners will help you decide whether you are a candidate for non-surgical fat reduction. Your discussion should include a discussion of the risk, benefits, and alternatives for your treatment.

Liposonix treatment is pretty simple. First your treatment areas are marked. After the limited local anesthesia is applied, the ultrasound transducer head is then moved over the treatment area. Your session may last about an hour. Premedication is usually not needed.

Non-surgical fat reduction  (Liposonix) Benefits:

Non-surgical fat reduction Considerations

Risks/Complications/Patient Safety


Liposonix usually requires little, if any recovery. For most patients, full activity may be resumed immediately.


Over the next 8 to 12 weeks, your body naturally processes and removes the destroyed fat tissue. With less fat, your body is naturally slimmer, with a sleeker, more contoured waistline.

Categories: Body ContouringCosmetic ProceduresHi-def LipoLaser Lipo MinneapolisLaser LiposuctionLiposonixLiposonix MinneapolisLiposonix MinnesotaLiposuction MNMinneapolis LiposuctionVaser Lipo
Tags: LiposonixLiposonix MinneapolisLiposonix MNLiposonix St. PaulLiposuction St PaulMinneapolis LiposuctionShu Cosmetic Surgery