Why Is Liposonix Better than Any Other Non-Surgical Fat Reduction In Minnesota

The big buzz in the cosmetic field in Minnesota is non-surgical fat reduction. The latest innovation in the non-surgical body sculpting is Liposonix , which uses highly focused ultrasound to destroy fat cells. The fat cells are then gradually eliminated from the body over the course of 2-3months.

In the past, the people in the Minnesota had to either have liposuction to removed fat cells or have a series of treatments with machines using radio frequency or laser to temporarily shrink the fat cells. With Liposuction you do have the great result after permanent removal but all the common risks of surgical procedure, down time and the possibility of unevenness and lumpiness.

Radio frequency or laser has little risk and no downtime, but its effect is temporary and results are not very impressive and vary widely and require a series of treatments. These devices cause more skin tightening than true fat reduction.

Another device Cool Sculpting uses cryolipolysis in which fat is cooled to the point that the fat cells die through the programmed cell death mechanism. Each area of fat has to be placed in a cooling paddle and left on for an hour. If you have many areas to treat you could easily be in treatment for several hours. The areas that can be treated are very limited because you have to be able to put the skin into the paddles. If you have the tighten skin, it is hard to apply the paddles and more painful.

Liposonix uses focused ultrasound energy to heat up and destroy fat cells. A hand piece delivers the ultrasound energy to the area treated. Liposonix is more versatile in which areas you can treat than Coolsculpting, and treatment times are much shorter. You can treat an abdomen and “love handles” in about an hour. Most patients in the Minneapolis and St. Paul areas lose an inch or a full pants size in one treatment. Also, due to the fact that Liposonix uses heat there are skin tightening effects as well. Coolsculpting has more chance to cause lumpiness in the areas close to frozen zones, but Liposonix doesn’t cause the bumpiness or unevenness at all. Results are usually quicker to see with Liposonix than Coolsculpting.

Liposonix can be a little more painful during the treatment. We usually give the limited amount of local numbing medicine before the procedure to make our patient comfortable. Liposonix also tends to cause mild bruising in the lower part of treated area, so it’s a good idea to stop taking aspirin and other blood thinner a week before having it done.

Get Ready for Summer with Laser Liposuction at Shu Cosmetic Surgery Center in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Area

It has been a long and chilly winter, but warm, sunny weather is just around the corner. Soon we will be peeling off the layers of clothes and donning our shorts and t-shirts, only to find that it has been too easy to hide those creeping winter pounds under our sweaters and winter coats.

Are you sick of dreading the impending summer months? Now is the time to act if you want to make it a summer to look forward to with an improved swimsuit body. For liposuction in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, we offer the premier service of laser liposuction. With very little downtime and very concrete fat removal/body contouring results, laser liposuction is the key to making you ready for a summer of fun and feeling good about yourself.

Laser liposuction is a procedure that removes fat and tightens skin by directing laser energy into the fat cells and liquefying it, and then drawing it out through a cannula. It works on many areas of the body including the thighs, buttocks, stomach, waist, back, chest, face, chin, neck, arms, and ankles. An added bonus is that the laser stimulates collagen contraction, resulting in firmer, smoother skin. You will be able to resume most normal activities the following day, and more strenuous activates within a few days.

Laser liposuction is the optimal way particularly to get rid of those unruly areas that don’t respond well to diet and exercise. Laser liposuction is much less harmful and aggressive than traditional liposuction, with minimal bruising and less tissue damage. Also recovery time is shorter because it is much less invasive.

Minneapolis area laser liposuction is a long term solution and only done one time as a rule, as once fat cells are gone, they can’t come back. You will see dramatic results within 1 to 2 weeks after your procedure, but final and conclusive results require 4 to 6 months to fully appear.

Getting Breast Implants Now at Shu Cosmetic Center in Minneapolis and St. Paul Area Can Have You Ready For the Beach By Summer

Any woman who is dissatisfied with the size or shape of her breasts might want to seriously consider getting breast implants. This cosmetic procedure has come a long way in the past few years and is now an extremely common, effective, and safe procedure. It is important to remember that bikini season is right around the corner (though it may not feel that way outside) and getting a cosmetic procedure on your breasts now will ensure you will be able to show them off when summer and beach season arrive.

Breast implants in Minneapolis help to enhance a woman’s personal body image and enable her to have more confidence. This procedure is typically done as an augmentation procedure with the goal of enlarging breasts that are small. The patient who is interested in breast implants in St. Paul area has different options for implants, including silicone and saline implants. Consulting with a cosmetic surgeon is the best way to get a clear idea of which kinds of implants are best for each individual case.
One of the benefits of the development in breast augmentation surgery that has occurred in the past few years is the ability for most cosmetic surgeons to make the breasts look more natural even when they’ve been worked on. Minneapolis breast enhancement surgery involves a pre-operative period and a post-operative period. A pre-operative period will require things like screening for breast cancer prior to the surgery, in addition to finalizing decisions and preparation work. The post-operative period includes a mild recovery time. During the surgery, the patient is given local anesthesia to numb the area, and then small incisions are made in the breast muscle so as not to damage the breast itself, and the implants are placed inside the breast.

With this type of surgery, only a minor amount of recovery time is needed. Some of the side effects of the surgery include soreness of the breasts, bruising and swelling, which should all go away within a few days to a few weeks after the procedure has been completed.

Diagnosis of Gynecomastia in Minnesota

Gynecomastia usually occurs in newborns, adolescents, and men older than 50 years of age in Minnesota, but most cases of newborn and adolescent gynecomastia are self-limiting and resolve on their own. The prevalence of male breast enlargement in Minnesota men has increased in recent years; it is probably related to obesity, side effects of medication, the use of recreational drugs, an underlying medical condition, and/or exposure to xenoestrogens, which is present in many products. Pseudogynecomastia looks much like real gynecomastia but has no medical reason for being there except for the patient being overweight.

The differential diagnosis of male breast enlargement includes breast cancer, pseudogynecomastia, lipoma, sebaceous cyst, dermoid cyst, hematoma, mastitis, metastasis, ductal ectasia, fat necrosis, or a hamartoma . Diagnosis of gynecomastia is usually clear and straight without any tests. Your surgeon may occasionally also recommend ultrasound and/or a mammogram to rule out the very small possibility of breast cancer. The breast gland specimen is routinely sent to a pathological lab to confirm the presence of gynecomastia and rule out tumors under a microscope. Gynecomastia should also be distinguished from muscle hypertrophy of the pectoralis muscles in muscular male patients.

If a medical problem of gynecomastia is the suspected cause after reviewing your medical history and doing a physical exam during the initial visit, you’ll be referred to an appropriate medical specialist for further evaluation. Laboratory investigations are recommended to find the underlying cause of gynecomastia, including liver and kidney function tests, sexual hormone, and thyroid tests. Additional labs that may be considered are to test the markers of testicular, adrenal, or other tumors.

Most gynecomastia patients in Minneapolis and St. Paul areas need a male breast reduction surgery to correct the enlarged breasts. Male breast reduction surgery is a highly effective surgical procedure in the combination of liposuction and surgical excision, giving excellent esthetic results. Shu Cosmetic Surgery uses minimal invasive surgical approach with local tumescent anesthesia and cutting-edge liposuction technology to achieve a great cosmetic result.

Vaser Lipo – Revolutionary Body Contouring in Minnesota

Everyone in Minnesota wants to look and feel their best. Are you bothered by specific areas of your body that seem out of proportion? You’re not alone.

Vaser is one of among the best liposuction in the world. This revolutionary fat removal procedure offers a safe alternative to traditional liposuction. Vaser lipo provides smooth, predictable results with fast recovery and minimal downtime.

From minor touch-ups to major transformations, Vaser lipo is proved to be efficient, effective and flexible. Whether you’d like to lose a few pounds in traditional areas — your waist, thighs and bottom — or finely sculpt your arms, neck or chest, Vaser lipo gives you the results you want.

Using a technique called LipoSelection®, VASER Lipo targets specific areas of the body. Ultrasonic waves break up and separate fat cells for removal, while leaving vital tissues unharmed.

With Vaser lipo, we can expect:
• Realistic curves and definition, even for hard-to-fix spots
• Easy removal of large quantities of fat
• Precise sculpting of delicate areas of the body
• Minimally invasive procedures that can be delivered in a comfortable, clinical setting
• Fast recovery times
• Smooth, tight results

Shu Cosmetic Surgery in Edina, MN started the Vaser lipo in the late of 2009 and has done more than 600 cases in the Minneapolis and St. Paul areas. It became Dr. Shu’s most favorite lipo technology for its effectiveness, efficiency, flexibility, and minimal invasion.

Gynecomastia in Minnesota

Gynecomastia is the benign enlargement of breast tissue in males due to either increased glandular breast tissue and/or excess local fat deposition. The term comes from the Greek gyné meaning “female” and mastós meaning “breast.” Gynecomastia can happen at any age and can be the result of hormonal changes, heredity conditions, disease, or certain drug use.

Temporary gynecomastia may occur physiologically in newborns and adolescence due to an altered estrogen-androgen balance.  More than a quarter of adolescent boys may live with enlarged breasts for the rest of their lives, but majority cases resolve within a few years of onset without intervention.

“Puffy nipples”, one of the most common forms of gynecomastia in Minnesota, is characterized by a glandular tissue accumulation forming a dome shaped appearance to the areola. Anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) induced gynecomastia is glandular gynecomastia that is common in bodybuilders after using anabolic steroids. Older men develop gynecomastia as a result of the natural decrease of testosterone production. These patients tend to have a greater abundance of excess skin around the areola due to age-related skin sagging.

Gynecomastia can occur unilaterally and asymmetrically.  Unilateral type occurs when only one breast is deformed, the other breast is typically normal in both size and shape. Asymmetrical gynecomastia occurs when both breasts have gynecomastia, but each to a different degree.

Pseudogynecomastia is characterized by local fat deposition in breasts without glandular proliferation. It requires different treatment. The weight reduction with exercise and diet may improve pseudogynecomastia, but the treatment of choice in pseudogynecomastia is liposuction to the area.

Most gynecomastia patients in Minneapolis and St. Paul areas need a male breast reduction surgery to correct the enlarged breasts. Shu Cosmetic Surgery uses minimal invasive surgical approach with local tumescent anesthesia and cutting-edge liposuction technology to achieve a great cosmetic result.

Non-surgical Fat Reduction in Minnesota

Non-surgical fat reduction treatment is getting popular in Minnesota this year. Specialized equipment is used to create a controlled injury to the fat in the treatment areas. The second generation of Liposonix is new addition of non-surgical fat removal in Minnesota, and it allow outpatient fat treatment with no downtime and minimal to no discomfort. Liposonix is probably one of the most effective non surgical fat reduction treatments.

Who is a good candidate for non-surgical fat reduction?  You are a good candidate if you have limited regional fat deposits on your abdomen, flanks, back, outer thigh. Liposuction is probably a better option for larger fat accumulations.  As with any cosmetic treatment, your doctor or other cosmetic practitioners will help you decide whether you are a candidate for non-surgical fat reduction. Your discussion should include a discussion of the risk, benefits, and alternatives for your treatment.

Liposonix treatment is pretty simple. First your treatment areas are marked. After the limited local anesthesia is applied, the ultrasound transducer head is then moved over the treatment area. Your session may last about an hour. Premedication is usually not needed.

Non-surgical fat reduction  (Liposonix) Benefits:

  • Treats undesirable local fat deposits of the abdomen, flanks, back and thighs
  •  No incision required, minimal risk of skin injury
  • Minimal discomfort, no downtime

Non-surgical fat reduction Considerations

  • Non-surgical fat removal is best for limited volumes of fat of the abdomen, flanks, back and thighs
  • Liposuction is still preferred for many patients
  • This is not a weight loss treatment
  • More than a treatment sessions may be needed sometimes for a larger fat accumulation

Risks/Complications/Patient Safety

  • Skin may be red in the treated area for a few hours
  • Temporary numbness has been noted in some patients
  • Bruise is common and resolves within 2 weeks
  • Small burns are extremely rare


Liposonix usually requires little, if any recovery. For most patients, full activity may be resumed immediately.


Over the next 8 to 12 weeks, your body naturally processes and removes the destroyed fat tissue. With less fat, your body is naturally slimmer, with a sleeker, more contoured waistline.

Breast Reduction for Men in Minnesota

True gynecomastia is a benign enlargement of the male breast resulting from a proliferation of the glandular breast tissue. The similar condition known as pseudogynecomastia, or lipomastia, is characterized by fat deposition without glandular proliferation. Many gynecomastia patients in Minnesota have both increased glandular breast tissue and excess local fat deposition.

Gynecomastia is common in men in the Minneapolis and St Paul areas, it happens at any age. It can be the result of hormonal changes, heredity conditions, disease or the use of certain drugs.

Gynecomastia results mainly from an altered estrogen-androgen balance. The imbalance is between the stimulatory effect of estrogen and the inhibitory effect of androgen. Thus, any cause of estrogen excess from overproduction to peripheral conversion of androgens can initiate the cascade to breast development.

Gynecomastia can cause emotional discomfort and impair your self-confidence. Some men in Minnesota may even avoid certain physical activities and intimacy simply to hide their condition.

Male Breast reduction is the surgical correction of enlarged breasts in men. The surgical treatment is highly effective, giving excellent esthetic results. The treatment of choice in Male Breast reduction is liposuction to the area. It might also be necessary to do liposuction along with surgical excision of the glandular tissue to achieve the best results and the flattest chest. The gland is excised through a half-inch to one-inch long incision around the edge of areola.
This procedure is a good option for you if:
• You are physically healthy adult
• You have realistic expectations
• You are bothered by the feeling that your breasts are too large

How is Liposonix Different? New non-surgical fat reduction treatment at Shu Cosmetic Surgery!

There are a few new emerging fat reduction technologies on the market in Minnesota.  Liposonix is one of the newest and among the most effective in fat reduction. Now, the people in Minneapolis and St Paul areas have a better option for their body contouring.

There are several advantages of Liposonix comparing to other options on the fat reduction in Minnesota.

Non-Surgical – Non-Invasive

Invasive fat reduction procedures, such as Liposuction, typically carry certain surgical risks and are associated with significant post-treatment recovery downtime. Even newer, minimally-invasive techniques still entail surgical procedures. Unlike these types of surgical fat reduction procedures, the Liposonix treatment is non-invasive and patients typically resume normal activities immediately after the procedure.

Custom Contouring™

Patients come in all shapes and sizes, and so does their fat. Other non-invasive body contouring devices can be limited in their ability to treat certain areas of fat and may require several hours and/or multiple treatment sessions to adequately address problem areas. The Liposonix system is highly versatile, allowing control over precisely how and where energy is delivered, for a truly customized treatment in a single one-hour session.

HIFU Technology

With many other non-invasive fat reduction technologies, such as radiofrequency and lasers, energy is highly absorbed or scattered near the skin surface, thereby limiting penetration into subcutaneous fat tissue and delivering only temporary results. Ultrasound energy, on the other hand, can be used to penetrate through the skin layers and into the targeted fat tissue without harming skin or surrounding tissues. Other ultrasound body contouring technologies often use low-intensity, low-frequency, or unfocused energy which can require multiple treatments and lead to unpredictable results. The Liposonix system uses high-intensity focused ultrasound energy to non-invasively destroy targeted subcutaneous fat and deliver uniform, predictable results after a single one-hour treatment.

Highly Effective

Liposonix has shown to be a very effective technology in eliminating the body fat, with results of waistline reduction one inch after just one treatment. We have witnessed waistline reductions more than two inches with Liposonix in the past, which is atypical of most non-surgical fat reduction treatments.  Other non-invasive body contouring devices may require several hours and/or multiple treatment sessions to adequately address problem areas and achieve the same results as Liposonix.

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