Fat grafting: History and Usage (1)

Fat grafting, or fat transfer is a minimal invasive surgical procedure where fat is removed from one area of the body and injected into another for aesthetic purposes. It has several advantages- the procedure kills two birds with one stone by removing unwanted fat and improving the appearance of the fat injection site. It is the most natural way to augment and sculpt the body- after all, what makes a better implant than your own tissue?

While the idea of fat grafting is not complicated, we have only recently been able to do so consistently and safely in practice. Fat grafting goes all the way back to the late 19th century, when German surgeon Gustav Neuber achieved the first recorded successful fat grafting procedure in transferring fat from the arm to the orbital region to fix scars from osteomyelitis, a bone infection. Two years later, Viktor Czerny transferred a lipoma (a fatty lump under the skin) to the breast to correct the size difference following a mastectomy. While these two showed that fat grafting was possible, fat grafting failed to gain acceptance for the next century due to the many possible complications that would arise as a result of the procedure. It wasn’t until the 90s, when Dr. Sydney Coleman developed standardized structural fat grafting techniques, that the procedure became popular.

Fat Transfer: A Great Option of Breast or Butt Augmentation in Minnesota

fat transfer, also called fat grafting or autologous fat transplantation or lipoinjection, is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that removes unwanted fat from one area of the body and places it into another area of the body, usually to improve the appearance of the new area. The concept behind fat transfer to the breast or buttock is simple: transfer fat to naturally enhance their shape and size.

Since German surgeon, Dr. Gustav Neuber reported for the first time on fat transfer on human in the surgery literature in 1893, it took a century for the medical community to accept the concept of fat transfer. Now it is widely accepted that fat is the natural filler for the cosmetic augmentation, and it is commonly used today for the hand and facial rejuvenation and breast or buttock augmentation. Clinical research on liposuction and fat grafting techniques continues, and progress is being made to better understand the benefits and risks of the procedures.

Autologous fat transfer involves gently removing fat from body regions with localized fat deposits. Under local anesthesia, fat tissue cells are liquefied with liposuction technologies. Once the fat has been dissolved, it is harvested through a gentle suction process. The harvested fat is then injected into the areas that need to be augmented.

fat transfer augmentation is getting popular worldwide. As a pioneer in the natural augmentation with fat transfer in Minnesota and the surround states, Shu Cosmetic Surgery has offered these procedures in the Minneapolis and St. Paul areas over the past 3 years; it was featured in the TV Channel, Twin Cities Live program last year. Please contact us if you are interested in the natural augmentation or if you have any questions.

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