Necklift Minneapolis

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| Laser Skin Care | Injectable


Neck_1The neck lift, also referred to as a platysmaplasty and submental platysmaplasty, is a cosmetic procedure used to minimize the appearance of loose, sagging skin in the neck area and below the jaw line. This procedure is ideal for people who experience a fleshy or saggy neck, jowls, or neck banding.

Under local anesthesia with IV sedation, small incisions under your chin and around earlobes are made, the neck muscles can then be tightened and any excess fat removed with liposuction. The skin is re-draped over the neck and any excess skin near the earlobes is removed and the incisions are closed with sutures.

To be a candidate for a neck lift, individuals should be in good health and free of any active diseases or pre-existing medical conditions. In addition, patients should be realistic in their expectations for the outcome of the surgery. The patients often combine a neck lift with liposuction, mini facelift, or other surgeries.

Advantages of neck lift:

  • Office procedure under local anesthesia with IV sedation
  • Small incisions, no general anesthesia
  • 2 hours surgery combined with neck liposuction
  • Improve both neck and Jowls
  • Long-lasting effect with no visible scar
  • Minimal swelling and bruising

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