Blepharoplasty FAQ

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Introduction | Procedure | FAQ | Before & After

Who is a good candidate for eyelid surgery?

Any one or combination of the following conditions may indicate that you are a good candidate for eyelid surgery: excess skin obscuring the natural fold of the upper eyelids, loose skin hanging down from the upper eyelids, perhaps impairing vision, a puffy appearance to the upper eyelids, making the eyes look tired, excess skin and fine wrinkles of the lower eyelids and/or bags and dark circles under the eyes. Aesthetic eyelid surgery can usually correct these problems, although other treatments may also need to be considered.

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How can I learn more about the surgery risks?

Significant complications from aesthetic eyelid surgery are rare, but risks and potential complications should be discussed with your surgeon. Potential complications include hematoma (an accumulation of blood under the skin that may require removal), infection, and reactions to anesthesia. Following the surgery, there can be a feeling of dryness or irritation in the eye that requires treatment. There is a possibility of a temporary decrease in sensation of the eyelid skin or impaired eyelid function that can usually be corrected with additional surgery. You can help minimize certain risks by following the advice and instructions of your surgeon, both before and after your eyelid surgery.

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What can I expect on the day of my surgery?

Your eyelid surgery will be performed at Rejuvelaser Clinic. Medications may be administered for your comfort during the surgical procedure. When surgery is completed, there is very little downtime. Your vision will be blurry due to the ointment used to soothe and protect the eye during surgery and from the post-surgery swelling. Occasionally, intravenous conscious sedation is used for patients undergoing eyelid surgery. For your safety, your heart, blood pressure, pulse and the amount of oxygen circulating in your blood will be closely monitored.

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How will I look and feel after the surgery?

Recovery time varies greatly among patients. The first evening after surgery, you should rest with your head elevated and apply cold compresses to the eyelids. You may take acetaminophen for pain but not Aspirin or anti-inflammatory medications. Initially, you may feel a tight sensation around the eyes and some mild discomfort that can be controlled with oral medication. During the first 48 hours following surgery, patients experience varying degrees of swelling and bruising, which could persist anywhere between one or several weeks. Bruising typically disappears within seven to ten days. Within the first week, you can use makeup (on the cheek area only, until sutures are removed) to hide discoloration. Stitches are usually removed within a week of surgery. Your vision may continue to be somewhat blurry for a few days. Your eyes may be temporarily sensitive to light and could also tear up or feel dry. Some surgeons recommend eye drops to help relieve burning or itching.

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When can I resume my normal activities?

Patients can typically return to normal activities within ten days, although straining, bending, and lifting should be avoided in the first few days after surgery. Although you might feel like going back to work just a few days after surgery, your vision may still be slightly blurry. You should not wear contact lenses for 1-2 weeks.

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