Chemical peels in Minneapolis

Chemical peels, also known as derma-peels, have been around for thousands of years. Cleopatra was known to do the first chemical peels by bathing in milk which contains lactic acid. Women in Minneapolis use chemical peels to soften skin, improve blemishes, brown spots, acne scars, wrinkles and fine lines that appear with age.

African American women or black women in Minnesota are known to age very well due to the amounts of melanin in their skin which gives them natural sun protection. Yet years of sun exposure without sunscreen will cause facial skin to turn many shades darker than the skin on the neck and chest. This is a sign of sun damage which can also lead to skin cancer.

The use of chemical peels can help by lifting away layers of skin. Peels are done as a series of 4-6 treatments and over time, softer, smoother, lighter skin is revealed. During and after the peel treatments, an SPF factor of 30 or more must continually be used to protect the skin and prevent the sun’s UV rays from doing its damage all over again.

There are chemical peels that are good for all skin types and some should not be used on darker skin. Darker skins can either hyper-pigment and turn darker or hypo-pigment which causes it to turn very light in color. Your esthetician or clinician can determine the best chemical peel for you and can do a spot treatment to see how your skin will react.

Sonya Stelmachuk – Esthetician in Shu Cosmetic Surgery, Edina, MN

Skin Rejuvenation with Jessners Chemical Peel in Minneapolis

Jessners chemical peel is one of the most common chemical peels for skin rejuvenation in Minneapolis. A Jessners chemical peel is very effective in treating many different kinds of skin conditions. It is made up of 14% Salicylic acid and 14% Lactic acid with Resorcinol solvent. It delivers outstanding results and is able to treat acne, acne scars, hyper pigmentation, photo damage and aging skin. It is a good peel to be used on all skin types.

Your esthetician or clinician in the Minneapolis and St Paul areas will apply a solution to the skin with a consistency like water. It goes on very light and takes a few coats to fully cover the skin. It will have a mild stinging or burning sensation. This is temporary and will go away. The skin will start to turn white like frost. After the peel it will have a slight to moderate redness to the skin depending on the individual’s skin type. Shortly after the peel, the skin will start to feel tight. 24 hours later it will start to flake or peel off which can take 5-7 days. After the skin has peeled off, the skin will appear clearer and smoother.

While a Jessners peel gives great results, skin conditions are not corrected with one chemical peel. It is a progressive treatment which takes a series of peels. Usually a series of 6 treatments is required which can be done every 4 weeks. How many you need depends on the condition of your skin. It is suggested to get a Jessners peel every 3 months to maintain healthy and radiant looking skin. Using a medical skin care product line is also helpful to maintain beautiful skin in between treatments.

Sonya Stelmachuk – Esthetician in Shu Cosmetic Surgery, Edina, MN

Jessner’s and TCA Peels

In addition to our lightest peel, the Skin Medica Vitalize peel, Shu Cosmetic Surgery has added 3 new medium depth chemical peels to our service menu; which are unlike your typical salon/spa peel that do not penetrate deep enough to produce desired results. We offer a Jessner’s peel for $175, a 35%TCA peel (Trichloracetic acid), for $250 and a Jessner’s plus 35% TCA for $300.

The term chemical peel may be new to you or maybe you heard the term but did not understand what it meant. A chemical peel is a treatment technique used to improve and smooth the texture of your skin. The facial skin is treated with a chemical solution that causes the dead skin to slough off and eventually peel off like a sunburn. That is how the term “chemical peel” is derived. The regenerated skin is smoother, sundamage and sun spots are reduced and less wrinkled than the old skin. It is also a great treatment for acne.

Preparing your skin prior to a medium depth chemical peel will result in deeper penetration, faster recovery, lower risk of discoloration, and a better result. Skin preparation may be achieved by applying Tretinoin, and bleaching agents daily for four to six weeks. Tretinoin will help your dead superficial layers of skin shed and will allow chemical peel agent to penetrate more deeply. Tretinoin will also stimulate your skin to regenerate and heal more quickly. Women with dark skin are at increased risk for developing blotchy skin after a medium chemical peel. Bleaching agents used before and after your peel will minimize this problem. These patients must understand that the results may not be optimal, recovery may be longer, and risk of discoloration is greater.

Medium chemical peels will last six months to two years. If you use skin care products regularly after your peel, you will maximize the duration of improvement. Most women who choose medium chemical peels as the mainstay of their facial rejuvenation have a repeat peel every six to twelve months.

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