Chemical Peels in Minneapolis

Chemical peel is one of the most common skin care procedures in Minnesota. It reduces fine wrinkles and improves many other skin conditions. In this treatment, a chemical solution is applied to the skin, causing the top layers of skin to peel off in a few days. The new skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled.

Chemical peels can be used to:

• Reduce wrinkles
• Improve mild acne scars
• Treat certain types of acne
• Reduce age spots, freckles, and melasma
• Treat the areas of sun damage
• Improve the overall skin texture

A series of 4-6 peels is recommended as results are seen over a period of time. During a chemical peel treatment, the skin is first cleansed then a prepping solution is applied to prepare the skin for the chemical peel solution. Next, the alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) and/or beta hydroxy acid (BHA) is applied to the face. The exfoliating agent is generally thin, almost water-like in its consistency, and is applied with a small brush, cotton pad or large cotton swab.

You will feel a warming sensation soon after the exfoliating agent is applied. Some people say they feel just a slight stinging; others describe it as more of a burning. It depends on the person’s skin. Everyone is different. Up to two passes of solution will be applied. Many estheticians in Minnesota use small, hand-held fans to gently cool the skin during the peel.

After your peel, your skin can look like it’s sunburned. This redness can fade in just a few hours time or last up to five days, depending on the strength of the peeling agent used. Using make-up to cover any redness after a peel is fine.

After a chemical peel , skin is temporarily more sensitive to the sun, so wear sunscreen every day. It is important that you use the skin care recommended to you to prepare for your peel ahead of time and to maintain your results after. Following the instructions that your esthetician gives you will help you to get the best results.

Facial Rejuvenation with Protein Rich Plasma (PRP) in Minnesota

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) may be defined as a portion of the plasma fraction of autologous blood having a platelet concentration above baseline. The higher concentration results in the presence of higher concentrations of numerous growth factors including platelet derived growth factors, growth factor, epithelial growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, and transforming growth factor. By concentrating platelets at a particular site, such as in the face, practitioners in MN have the potential to enhance the body’s natural capacity for healing. Platelet-rich plasma injections are used in the same way, and are particularly good for improving texture, tone, and color of the skin for those living in Minneapolis, MN. These injections are crucial as a rejuvenating agent because they can greatly improve skin color, elasticity, and smoothness due to newly formed blood vessels and collagen.

Results have shown an increase in radiance, improved texture, improved tone, and reduction of fine lines after 3 weeks following a PRP treatment. Some minor side effects from the procedure include possible swelling or bruising after PRP which typically resolves within 72 hours. The numbers of treatments required are based on one’s specific needs. Most people need 1 to 3 treatments, spaced 4-6 weeks apart for maximum benefit.

Microdermabrasion vs Chemical Peel in Minnesota

The women in Minnesota may be wondering which treatment is best for you, a chemical peel or microdermabrasion . What is the difference? A microdermabrasion procedure offers the skin a ‘rosy glow’ by removing the first few layer of Stratum corneum in the epidermis, but will not significantly change the appearance of the skin surface. This procedure may gently improve fine wrinkles or mild skin discoloration. Chemical peels will improve the skin’s appearance from slightly to significantly, depending on which peel you select. Chemical peels remove the damaged uppermost layers of skin. This procedure usually has more noticeable results. We often tell the women in Minneapolis and St. Paul areas that mild chemical peel is comparable to microdermabrasion, but chemical peels that are a medium level and above have a slightly more traumatic effect on the skin surface and more effective than microdermabrasion. However, chemical peel is a little more expensive than microdermabrasion.

Both procedures take about 30 minutes to complete and are effective on the face, neck, chest, back and hands. Chemical peels are available in different strengths: mild, medium and deep. Side effects of chemical peels include burning, swelling, and permanent changes to the color of the skin.

microdermabrasion does not vary in strength. A mild tingling and warm sensation are likely to be felt during microdermabrasion. There is really no downtime from a microdermabrasion.

A microdermabrasion is great for maintaining healthy skin and is suggested once a month. A chemical peel is best in a series of every 2-4 weeks and will help especially with sun damage or brown spots on the skin. Ideally, you should consider have both procedures and alternating them. A consultation with your skin therapist will be able to help you determine the best treatment plan for your skin type.

Microdermabrasion in Minneapolis

Even though the word microdermabrasion is pretty mainstream by now not everyone in Minnesota knows what it means.  Microdermabrasion usually improves skin texture, the appearance of fine lines, hyperpigmentation, freckling, dry spots, and pore size in a gentle way. Some people in Minneapolis and St Paul areas don’t take advantage of these great treatments because they have never had a skin care treatment before and are not sure what it involves.  They fear that they will be very red and that it will feel painful during and after. That is not the case.

A Microdermabrasion is a step up from a facial and is a relaxing treatment that gently polishes the skin. After cleansing the skin, I use a diamond tip wand attached to a small vacuum hose. The diamond tip wand loosens up the top most layers of dead skin. The suction of the vacuum takes away the dead skin cells, helps to increase circulation and bring nutrients to the skin.  I then put on a mask for 5-10 minutes and do either a hand and arm massage or a neck and shoulder massage followed by a moisturizer for the client’s skin type.  The skin will feel very soft and smooth after the treatment and it will have a youthful glow. It is a great treatment to get before an event where you want to look your best. It is recommended that this treatment be done once a month to maintain healthy skin.

Shu Cosmetic Surgery Medspa Announces a Non-surgical Lifetime Facelift

Shu Cosmetic Surgery Medspa has established an affordable non-surgical laser package for those wanting a tighter and lifted face and or neck,without the surgery downtime. This is a preventative treatment to help those who are starting to see sagging skin or for those whom surgery is not an option.

Edina, MN (May 2012) – Broad Band Light (BBL) offers the most advanced IPL (intense pulsed light) technology. BBL SkinTyte™ is a module using infrared light energy to deeply heat dermal collagen leading to a renewed collagen foundation for skin firming. Over the next few months, those receiving the treatment will see a tighter and uplifted appearance along with a younger fresher look to the skin from the stimulation of collagen.

Shu Cosmetic Surgery Institute Medpsa offers the ‘Lifetime Facelift’ in two types of laser packages; one package being a short term program consisting of 5 treatments every 4 weeks apart and the other being a lifetime (or yearly) program having a treatment every month. Both programs are can be executed in conjunction with chemical peels, microdermabrasion, additional laser treatments, and at home medical grade skincare products to achieve more dramatic and long-term results.

“One special advantage of the BBL SkinTyte™ laser treatments are that the treatments are done using non-ablative laser, so there is no peeling of the top layer of skin and has a lower risk of pigmentation changes. Since this procedure is non-invasive (no cutting) there is no need to take time off work,” said Katie, PA-C and medspa director.

For most patients there is no downtime at all and pain management is hardly an issue.  It is possible a few people may have excessive swelling and or redness immediately following the treatment. More serious complications could include bumps, skin burn, blistering, permanent pigmentation changes, or skin depressions, although these are very rare.

Another advantage to the ‘Lifetime Facelift’ is the cost is considerably less than a surgical facelift, which is especially nice for younger patients who may not need a surgical facelift yet, or for those that want to prevent or prolong a surgical facelift in the future. It also works great for those who don’t want to consider a surgical facelift at all. Best candidates for skin-tightening laser procedures are for those who don’t quite need a surgical facelift yet or if the skin is just mildly sagging.

It is important to have realistic expectation when considering the ‘Lifetime Facelift’ in that this procedure is not meant to deliver the same results as a surgical face lift because there is no cutting of excess skin, but instead, it is firming the skin already there. It is not possible to erase 10-15 years with a non-invasive laser for tissue tightening. Results can vary from patient to patient due to differences in skin thickness, texture, healing response, and lifestyle variables. Dermal collagen remodeling takes place over time, so the final tightening and lifting result will be seen six months following your final session; however patients may be able to see some immediate results, with improvements continuing for up to six months following the procedure!

Dr. Steven Shu, MD, MBA, is a board certified laser surgeon and a pioneer of office cosmetic surgeries in the United States.  He has adopted countless revolutionary techniques to achieve ideal results with more efficiency and safety.  For more information on Shu Cosmetic Surgery Institute, please visit the center’s website at http://

Contact: Steven Shu, MD, MBA
Katie McClellan, PA-C
Phone #: 952-922-9999

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